Rabu, Mei 23, 2012

Portfolio as a Competence-Based Assessment: A case of Indonesia

Portofolio sebagai penilaian berbasis kompetensi, cocok kah digunakan di Indonesia? Makalah attachment berikut masih berupa draft kasar.


Recently, the emerging of the competence-based education (CBE) has got more attention from scholars and policymakers in educational system either in primary, secondary or higher education, and either in developed or developing countries (Illeris, K; 2009). CBE has become a dominant trend in several countries, especially in vocational education and training, due to the expected decrease of problems in the transition from school to work (Biemans et. al., 2004; Wesselink et. al, 2007; Biemans et. al 2009). CBE is viewed as a promising tool of educational system to produce competence graduates that meet with communities need. This is in line with Klenowski’s views that explained of the trend for 21st century curriculum is majored for producing competence graduate (Klenowksi, 2002). CBE which uses a performance-based learning process in the instructional system is widely known to fulfil such kind of purposes.

Implementation of CBE, consequently, has implications for its assessment. Schools and scholars in the field of education have formulated different models of assessment which suit this concept. One of the assessments model offered by scholars is portfolio assessment. This kind of assessment is strongly believed that can measure students’ achievement.

This paper purposes on, at least, two objectives. First, this paper would attempt to discuss whether portfolio can be used as a good way to measure pupil’s achievement in competence-based system. Therefore, this paper is to deeply explore the nature and key concept of portfolio as a tool of assessment in educational environment for the consequences of the flourishing CBE in educational system. Secondly, this paper would explore applicability of this assessment in education system for developing countries. Indonesian education system is chosen to be further investigated because this country has established CBE in its education system.
To begin with, it is worth to discuss about the competence based curriculum and the nature of assessment in education. Then, this paper would provide an overview about the nature of portfolio, the key concept and key process of portfolio, the relationship between portfolios assessment and competence based curriculum. Indonesian education system will also be investigated to contextualize the implementation of portfolio assessment in developing countries, taking into account its social condition. Van Dam (2008) argues that educational phenomena cannot be well-understood without the context of political, economical, technological or sociological condition. Then, the conclusion will be presented in the last part of this paper.

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